Chapter 120: He Wants become His Boyfriend

A smile lights up Marcellus's handsome and elegant face. Unspeakable happiness fills his heart.

He can't wait to see Katrina.

But when he hears that Katrina isn't feeling well and wants to cancel their dinner, Marcellus's smiling face suddenly twists into worry.

Is she sick?

What happened to her?

In the next moment, Farrah's voice on the phone rises sharply. Farrah's shock is palpable as she asks what happened to Katrina's face.

As Katrina prevails, Farrah is particularly indignant.

Marcellus discovers the truth from their conversation.

Apparently, Sophie hit Katrina. She slapped her face so hard, and it left a distinct handprint on her face.

That's why Katrina is making up an excuse to cancel dinner tonight. She doesn't want him to see her injury.

Marcellus is heartbroken and angry, and his hand involuntarily clenches the phone.


Katrina is Sophie's sister. How could she do that to her?