Chapter 123: Back At Work

When Cindy finds Sophie, she seems to be in a bad mood.

Marcellus doesn't look so good either. He usually has a faint smile on his face, looking gentle and elegant. But this time, his face is devoid of expression.

Did Marcellus and Sophie have a fight?

Cindy suddenly gets a headache. She doesn't think she should be here right now.

Putting a smile on her face, she says awkwardly, "Marcellus, you're here too. I'll leave you two alone to talk."

Cindy turns around to leave.

All of a sudden, Sophie says, "I'm also hungry. Let's eat first."

Taking Cindy's arm, Sophie bids Marcellus goodbye and goes to their table.

Cindy asks worriedly, "Sophie, what happened between you and Marcellus? Why do you both look so tense?"

At that moment, Sophie feels extremely wronged and depressed.