Chapter 154: This Is Unbelievable

Late in the evening, Olive lies on the soft, big bed in the hotel.

Her body feels exhausted and sore from having sex for the first time. Melvin has been drugged and now lays unconscious beside her.

Fighting back the anxiety and fear in her heart, she gets out of bed and dresses up.

She's already sold off her virginity. She shouldn't care about the next step of her task. Melvin already entered her body and took away her innocence with this filthy penis.

She just needs to think of it as getting her revenge.

Holding a pair of scissors in her hand, she approaches Melvin and points it towards the man's groin. Finally, she clenches her teeth, steals herself, and cuts it off determinedly.

The scissors fall to the floor with a resounding clang.

After the deed is done, she runs out as fast as she can.

As she runs to the entrance of the hotel, she sees a black and nondescript car outside, flashing its headlights at her.

A man opens the door and gets out. "Miss Simon," he greets.