Chapter 160: You Just Found Out That I Have No Shame?

Face red with anger, Katrina is about to curse Aaron when the waitress comes up with their food. "Please enjoy your dinner."

Katrina doesn't dare curse disrespectfully regardless of her image in front of someone else. She bites back the words, suppressing her rage. She can only glare fiercely at Aaron, her cheeks red in anger.

Seeing Katrina's angry but lovely appearance improves Aaron's mood.

The image of her angry face makes him want to take her into his arms. She looks so attractive even when she's angry, that he fears he will be tempted to bully her even more in the future.

The waitress senses the strange atmosphere between them. It looks like they're quarreling, but she can't be certain.

The woman's face is covered with anger, but the man's face looks light-hearted.

The waitress doesn't quite understand what is going on. For her own safety, she serves the food and leaves immediately.