Chapter 162: Forgive My Improper Remarks

Previously warming towards Aaron after finding out the truth, Katrina suddenly flares up again at his rude words.

She was feeling a little guilty towards him just now, but it seems that she doesn't need to apologize for the misunderstanding after all.

He actually called Carl an old man! Even going far and saying that he isn't a good person!

No matter what, Carl is an elder. Aaron should show some respect!

Katrina glares at Aaron furiously. "Aaron, it's fine if you don't respect me. But you have no right to slander Uncle Anderson like this!"

Carl is not only Katrina's nurturing benefactor but also the person she respects the most these past several years.

Hearing Aaron's comment about Carl makes her angrier than hearing him comment about herself.

Previously in a good mood, Katrina begins to get angry again because of Aaron's words.