Chapter 166: Bubbling With Rage

Twenty minutes later, Winnie and Sophie rush to Katrina's workplace. This is the first time that they go to the police station to look for Katrina.

Aggressively walking in, Winnie stops a policeman by the entrance and asks, "Where is Katrina Miller? Call her out!"

The man happens to be Katrina's partner, Colin.

Winnie looks malicious, with her delicate makeup and fancy dress. She looks like a wealthy middle-aged woman who's difficult to deal with. Stunned at her sudden demand, Colin hesitantly asks, "What do you want with Miss Miller?"

Winnie snaps back, "What do I want? I don't have to answer to the likes of you!"

Her rude response catches Colin off guard, but he still responds politely, "For personal matters, please contact Miss Miller privately."

Bubbling with rage, Winnie is eager to vent her anger out on Katrina. When Colin refuses to tell her Katrina's whereabouts, she pushes him aside and rushes forward furiously, intent on finding Katrina herself.