Chapter 180: Drink It

Seeing the fear and disgust in Katrina's eyes, Aaron involuntarily arches his eyebrow.

Is he really that terrible in her eyes?

Although the knowledge makes him grumpy, he purses his lips and says nothing. He walks towards her with a hot drink in his hand.

Aaron's approach makes Katrina's body instinctually flinch back in rejection. With his assault still fresh in her mind, she can clearly recall the image of him tearing her clothes apart.

Now, he breaks into her room again.

What the hell does he want to do to her this time?

Katrina is currently very weak, and her cramps deprive her of the ability to move. She knows she can't get away from Aaron under such circumstances.

When he approaches again, she can only cover her head with the blanket and hide underneath it to show how she feels about him.

Her blanket-covered head makes it clear that she doesn't want to see him.

Displeasure fills Aaron's heart.