Chapter 188: States of Distress

The ambulance arrives quickly.

After the vehicle stops at the scene, several white-coated paramedics swarm out and efficiently lift Marcellus into the car in a hurry. Then the ambulance rushes all the way to the hospital.

Holding onto consciousness for fear that Katrina would be left alone to worry helplessly, Marcellus finally lets himself fall asleep.

Along the way, Katrina grasps Marcellus's hands tightly, not daring to release it for a moment.

When the vehicle arrives at the hospital, the paramedics lift Marcellus out of the car and rush their way into the operating room.

Katrina waits outside the operating room alone, not relaxing even for a moment until she gets an update.

Ten minutes later, the doctor comes out of the operating room.

At the sight of the doctor, Katrina hurries over and asks, "Doctor, how is he?"

The doctor's tone is brief but urgent as he replies, "Are you a family of the patient?"

"I'm his girlfriend."