Chapter 192: Claire Dislikes Katrina

In the Brook villa, Marcellus's parents, Edwin and Claire, are having breakfast together when Claire's phone rings.

Claire puts down the egg she is peeling and answers the call. "Hello."

Edwin finishes the rest of his bowl of porridge. Arranging his cuffs, he stands up and takes his coat from the maid standing nearby and prepares to go to work.

He doesn't hear the person Claire is talking to, but he sees a panic flash on her face. She cries out, "What?"

Edwin pauses at the sound and looks at her. "What's wrong?"

Claire quickly calms down and smiles at him. "It's nothing. One of the stocks I purchased recently went down again. Don't worry about it; go to work."

Edwin shakes his head helplessly, putting on his coat before leaving.