Chapter 204: She Is Not Vulnerable

Aaron snorts coldly to himself. Although he doesn't care what Katrina does, he doesn't feel as nervous as before.

For her, he investigated the truth behind the car accident, spent a lot of time and resources to get the recording, and warned her to be careful of Claire Brook. But she repaid his kindness with ingratitude, going as far as to think that he was deliberately destroying her relationship with Marcellus.

Thinking of her heartless actions makes him furious. He doesn't want to think about her anymore.

However, after hearing that she almost got into a car accident, he spared no effort to pursue the truth. After seeing her walk dejectedly along the street, he felt so worried about her that he followed her in secret. After seeing her walk to the river and thinking that she wants to commit suicide, he rushed in to drag her to safety.

Despite everything, Aaron cares about her a lot. In more than 20 years of his life, he has never cared so much about a woman.