Chapter 206: Don’t Leave Me

All of a sudden, Aaron hears Katrina's steady and even breathing behind him.

He feels a little speechless.

How could she fall asleep so quickly? Is she not afraid that he will do something heinous to her? She is always on her guard against him, why is she so quiet right now?

Although Aaron is dumbfounded, he relaxes a great deal.

Whether she is drunk or not, she can trust him with such confidence that she feels comfortable losing consciousness in his presence.

After a long walk, Aaron reaches his car.

Balancing Katrina carefully on his back, he opens the door and gently places her in the passenger seat and fastens the seatbelt around her. Just as Aaron is about to pull away, Katrina suddenly grasps his hand.

The action surprises Aaron.

Katrina is still fast asleep. Her delicate brows are twisted tightly. As if his departure frightens her, she grabs his hand tightly and refuses to let him go.