Chapter 233: She Wonders

While Katrina feeds Beta some cookies, she hears a knock at the door.

Setting aside the cookies on the table, she goes to open the door to reveal Aaron standing outside in his bespoke suit.

Seeing the man who has repeatedly stalked and harassed her in the past appears at her small apartment makes Katrina balk. Even though she is a little dense sometimes, she instantly becomes wary and defensive at his appearance.

Upon seeing Aaron, she immediately tries to close the door.

But Aaron is faster, he shoves one foot in front of the door and pushes it open with his hand. Then he announces, "I came for Beta."

Katrina is rendered speechless by his words. Since Aaron's dog is still in her apartment, it isn't appropriate to make him wait outside.

Pursing her lips, she gives way to Aaron and heads inside.

Aaron follows her and closes the door behind her. When he walks in, he sees Beta on the floor, eating cookies that Katrina obviously gave him.