Chapter 249: Teasing Her

Even though Katrina is worried about him, Aaron cannot bear to see her crying so much. "Don't cry, don't cry until after I'm dead. Why are you crying like this?"

Katrina pounds her fists against his chest. "Don't say things like that! I'm not letting you die! You can't die easily," Plenty of tears stream down her cheeks.

Aaron's words only make her panic even more. After he's dead? How could he say such a thing! If anything happens to him… If the bullet hadn't missed… I'll never forgive myself if he dies because of me!

This cruel bastard! Does he want me to live in regret for the rest of my life? I never asked for any of this! She thinks.

All Katrina wants to do is to hold Aaron tightly, the warmth of his body, reminding her that he's alive. That nothing had happened to him. She forgets those eyes of her teammates, who stared at them with curiosity written all over their faces.