Chapter 252: You Were The One Who Pulled Me

"It's not my problem anymore. You should go back to Handley City and find a woman that is suitable to be your wife," She quickly blurted out.

Aaron felt pain, but he had decided to pursue her. He can't accept another woman aside from Katrina. He said in a joking tone. "My body belongs to you. Alone. I feel disgusted when I think of having sex with another woman. I don't want another woman laying down in my bed" He winks at her.

Katrina's face turns red in an instant. This pervert! Does he think of nothing but sex? He got shot in the shoulder! How could he still be so shameless? His mind only had this kind of thought. I can't imagine a nobleman like him to act like this,

Feeling disgusted, she shakes Aaron's hand off and decides to go outside to calm down. If he keeps teasing me, I might beat him to death! I don't care if he's hurt! This bastard annoyed me again.

All her previous worries about Aaron disappear in an instant. She stands with his bullying again.