Chapter 257: Does It Still Hurt?

Oblivious to Aaron's thoughts, Katrina asks, "Aaron, are you feeling better now? Does it still hurt?"

Aaron is so upset that he doesn't want to talk to Katrina at all. Her visit means less now that he knows she's only here on behalf of the police. She's only here to complete a task, not because she cares about me.

When Aaron doesn't reply, Katrina says cheerfully, "With a doctor as skilled as Dr. William, you must be fine now."

This only makes Aaron get even angrier. Is she going to leave now that she knows I'm fine? This ungrateful woman!

Why is he so quiet? He'd be fussing over me or bullying me by now. Katrina's eyebrows furrow as she watches Aaron walk to the sofa and sit down. He picks up a magazine from the coffee table and flips through the pages, ignoring her the whole time.

He's acting really weird. He seemed to be in a good mood when he came down, but now he looks angry. What did I do this time?