Chapter 269: He Will Give A Try

Katrina finally understands why Aaron wanted to sign a contract, and why he added a clause about penalties in case of a breach of contract.

This bastard tricked me! I thought this contract would be my protection, but it's more of a liability! He's going to make me do all kinds of outrageous things for him! The blood drains from her face at the realization. She was furious and wanted to kick him out of her home.

"Either I help Aaron take a bath, or go to the Civil Affairs Bureau with him... I wanted to slap him several times to get even against him. This devil is really getting into my nerves.

Katrina wants to scream. Her uncontrollable emotion at this moment reaches the boiling point.

But the contract has both their signatures. I'm not going back on my word! I will endure all of his capriciousness until he leaves me. He will surely get tired of wooing me after he realized that I don't love him.