Chapter 273: Driving Him Away

Faced with no other option, Katrina decides to take Aaron outside. Focused on hiding him from Farrah, she fails to notice Aaron's gloomy face. He felt aggrieved about what she did. It's obvious that Katrina doesn't want to introduce him to her friend. She closes the wardrobe and hurries to the apartment entrance.

Aaron has been quietly letting Katrina drag him around. When she opens the front door, he pulls her back and presses her against it. "Katrina, what are you doing? Why do I need to hide?"

Katrina feels bad for treating Aaron like this, but this is an emergency. She clasps her hands together and looks up at him anxiously. She pleads and tries to beg him, "Just for today, can you help me? My best friend is coming over. I can't let her know you're living with me. She'll be shocked! She knew that I live alone at home, if she found out that you stay with me, it would not give her a good impression. Can you go out and hide for a while? Please, just this once, Aaron?"