Chapter 296: He Is A Good Boyfriend

Katrina stares at Farrah without a trace of doubt in her eyes. "Don't worry, Farrah! There's no way he won't like you! You're a good woman and attractive enough,"

She has always been certain that Farrah will have a good future.

Since the beginning, Farrah has lived a more difficult life than she had. Despite growing up an orphan with a mentally-challenged brother to support, she kept working hard and never gave up on herself. She balanced her studies with part-time jobs and worked hard to finish college and get a stable job. Her struggle becomes her strength to work harder.

In spite of her difficult life, she remained warm and kind. Surely, she'll be blessed with God's favor! Katrina thinks confidently.

Farrah's eyes glimmer with hope upon hearing Katrina's encouragement. "Thank you, Katrina!" she exclaims, the support boosting her confidence and filling her with relief. She feels happy.