Chapter 301: Katrina Handed Her Necklace To Farrah

When Katrina wakes up the next day, she feels as if her body was run over by a truck. As she struggles to get out of bed, she feels the pain between her legs worsens.

Nearby, Aaron is dressing leisurely in front of the mirror, a satisfied look on his face.

The sight makes Katrina fume. It's all this bastard's fault! He didn't stop even when I told him to stop! I can't even get out of bed, but he has the nerve to look so happy! He got the nerve to feel energetic!

Boiling in a fury, she picks up a pillow and throws it straight at Aaron. "You bastard! How could you do this to me?"

Aaron catches the pillow and turns to look at her. Seeing her glaring at him with resentment makes him smile. She's so cute, he thinks, striding towards her.

After a night of passion, Aaron is in a good mood. With Katrina so upset, he can only coax her gently, "Honey, go back to sleep. I've already called the station to file for sick leave. You need to rest,"