Chapter 303: Carl Anderson Got Sick

Farrah is so deep in thought that she doesn't notice when the elevator stops at their floor.

Bob clears his throat to get her attention. She snaps out of her daze and shuffles out of the elevator. They bid each other goodbye and go their separate ways to start their shift.

Farrah keeps secretly pining after Bob for the rest of the day.

Two weeks pass by. Katrina and Aaron's relationship remains the same. She still lives in his villa, and he still sleeps with her every night. Despite their occasional quarrels, their relationship seems to strengthen with time. Aaron still expresses his love for Katrina. Although she often glared at him, he simply ignores her tantrums. He wants the two of them to have some progress, so he prefers to accept Katrina's every curse. When Katrina was angry, Aaron was quiet. She felt strange by a sudden change that Aaron showed her. Often, he takes a lot more patience than before.