Chapter 307: Painful Truth She Fear To Face

Katrina sleeps restlessly that night.

She is haunted by nightmares and her forehead beads with cold sweat. She whimpers throughout the night and jerks from time to time, waking Aaron up in the process. Because of this, Aaron also doesn't sleep well.

As daybreak approaches, Katrina finally falls into a deep sleep.

When Aaron gets up, he watches Katrina with a sigh. He can't bear to wake her up. Loosening his hold on her waist, he gets out of bed carefully and tiptoes to the bathroom.

While Aaron takes a bath, Katrina's phone rings, she was awakened by the call, she quickly rubs her eyes and answers the phone in a daze. Who's calling so early in the morning? I just started to sleep a few minutes ago!

As soon as she answers the phone, Farrah's urgent voice cries out, "Katrina! Come to the hospital right now! Make it faster!"

Katrina jerks awake. With a strong sense of foreboding, she struggles to keep her voice calm and asks, "What's wrong, Farrah?"