Chapter 309: You Owe Nothing To Them

Katrina is linked to the Andersons through Carl. When Carl was alive, the rest of the family did not accept Katrina. Now that he has died, they are eager to cut off everything with her. She felt so sad for her Uncle's death, but his family still wanted to drive her out. Anxious not to give her a chance to bid farewell.

Without Carl, Katrina knows that the Andersons have no reason to keep her in their lives. Uncle Anderson is the only one who gave me a home. There's no need to keep ties with them if they don't want me in their lives.

Katrina promises, "Don't worry. In the future, I will never contact any of you again! I came here to see him for the last time,"

"Katrina, you'd better remember that, or we'll make you regret it!" Sophie threatens her.