Chapter 328: Expressing His Love to Their Coming Child

Maybe he feels a soft look, Aaron suddenly holds his glasses and raises his head.

When he first sees Katrina at the door of his study, his earnest expression suddenly becomes tender.

He puts down his book, removes his gold-rimmed glasses from the bridge of his nose, hooked his lips, and speaks in a low and sexy voice, "Why haven't you slept?"

Katrina walks up to Aaron in her slippers.

"I got up to use the toilet, and saw the light in your study room still on, so come over to have a look."

Before becoming pregnant, she could sleep through the night, rarely waking up during sleep.

Since being pregnant, she seems to have been getting up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom often.

A while later, Katrina walks close to Aaron.

Aaron naturally takes her hand and lets her sit on his lap and hugs her.

"Aaron, what book are you reading so carefully?"

Confused, Katrina's gaze fell to the book he keeps on his desk.