Chapter 337: Accepted His Proposal

Seeing that Katrina is about to pull back her hand, Aaron tightens his grip on her hand and puts the diamond ring on her finger. He looks at her with a raised eyebrow, "How can you still want to take back on your word in front of your father? Did not your father teach you when you were a child? Didn't he tell you to keep your word?"

She has just accepted his proposal...

He could not make her withdraw her hand so easily.

While Aaron is unreasonable, Katrina is speechless and angry.

He even dares to use her father to threaten her!

Her father would have been willing to kill him if he had known of Aaron's bad things done with her.

Aaron isn't satisfied until he is sure the ring is the right size for Katrina's finger.

Without giving Katrina any chance to contradict him, Aaron held her up and carried her down the hill.

Katrina is astounded at her sudden, lifted body.

"Hey, Aaron, would you mind being calm and steady?"