Chapter 361: She Believes It

Farrah is surprised by the sudden declaration.

She is struck dumb with astonishment. Looking at the man who stands in front of her, tall, handsome and gentle, she can't imagine that Bob, the man she loves for so long, would express his love to her on such a grand occasion.

You know...

The elders of the Simons and the Woods, including all the upper-class people in Abbe City, are on the spot.

He confesses to her so in public...

Later, he can't deny this if he becomes regretful.

Does he take it seriously?

Would he really like to be with her?

Farrah certainly isn't unwilling to be with him or what, she's just too surprised.

She always thinks that between her and Bob, she plays the role who loves the other deeply, and Bob, even if he has a little affection for her, hasn't yet reached that point.

However, at this moment, Bob's declaration really shocks and amazes her.