Chapter 368: Plotted A Frame-Up

During Laura's stay in the Simon family, Eric treated her well, fulfilling almost all her requirements and leading her a luxurious life.

The Simon family has invested money to support her because she liked filming.


Laura was not satisfied with the status quo but was becoming more and more greedy.

She even regarded herself as the real granddaughter of Eric. Her demands were getting more and more excessive.

In the end, Eric recognized her nature, knowing that her first obedience was only a disguise.

Eric, after all, was a rational man.

Laura had no blood relationship with the Simon family. Why would he allow her to act wilfully in the Simon family?

So Eric drove Laura out.

Because of their good relationship in the past, Eric still strived for some resources for her. But they didn't act like before, putting a lot of money for her.

People were always so greedy.

She would feel that it was all right when she got used to receiving one's charity and help.