Chapter 376: Her baby Still Alive

There comes a sharp light in front of her.

Katrina adapts for a long time before she gradually can see Aaron in front of the bed.

Katrina's voice shows weakness, and she speaks laboriously, "Aaron, I just had a very terrible dream. I dreamed that our baby was dead. I dreamed that he was gone. I was so scared, so sad!"

When she says that, tears have been rolling down from her eyes.

Actually, she can't tell whether the things she remembers are the dream or reality.

The feeling of despair is so real that everything seems like the fact...

But she is reluctant to accept it.

She deceives herself that it's just a dream. She hopes that when she wakes up, the baby can come back to her sides.

So great it is if everything can go back to the beginning.

Hearing Katrina's weak and trembling tone, Aaron feels his heart also trembling painfully.

Aaron quickly picks up the baby and shows him to her.

"Our baby's all right. He's right beside you. Look, he's right here!"