Chapter 387: I Am Your Grandfather

Farrah is too worried about Patton.

As soon as Aaron finishes his words, she can't wait to run outside.

And when she runs to the hospital gate and finally finds Patton, who was thrown from the car by Aaron's men...

Seeing the wound on his body, Farrah feels as if all her strength has been exhausted, and only leaves indescribable pain and sadness.

"Patton!" She holds Patton in her arms and keeps apologizing to him.

"Patton! Blame me! It's all my fault! It's me who makes you this! It's me!"

Patton is a shy and timid boy.

Just now, a bunch of men in black took him away and beat him. He was frightened and painful. He was too scared.

Now, when he hears her sister's voice and sees her standing in front of him...

Patton hides tightly in Farrah's arms and refuses to leave her.

"Farrah, I'm so scared. They beat me. It hurts!"

"Patton, don't be afraid, your sister's here! I will protect you!"

Farrah keeps comforting Patton and helping him wipe the wound.

At this time...