Chapter 396: The Man Four Years Ago

Aaron thought she had something important to say and had to choose this moment.

Unexpectedly, she was talking about that matter a few years ago.

It turns out that she is still so worried about what happened that night that she never forgets it.

It turns out that what had happened that night has left such a deep impression and hurt in her heart.

Just when Aaron is thinking about how to comfort her, confess to her, but keeps silent...

Katrina thinks he is too shocked to hear it, so he refuses to reply.

When he knows that his own woman has a bad past, any man will feel a little uncomfortable, let alone...

Aaron is always possessive.

He must be angry.

He must have disliked her.

Katrina's shoulders shrug slightly, and her voice now can't express her sadness: "Aaron, you think I'm shameful, right?"