Chapter 436: Come Out Quickly

Aaron, who's silent and indifferent, is not a very good dancing partner compared with Duke, who's tender and considerate.

But while dancing with him...

Annie has great joy in her heart.

Every minute and second, Aaron holding Annie's hands is a joy to Annie.

The time of dancing seems to pass very fast.

Aaron releases Annie's hand, nods to her, and returns to his seat...

Annie has a feeling of disappointment in her heart.

What's wrong with her?

It's just the first time they've met...

She seems to have a liking for him.

Even though he looks very indifferent, her sight inadvertently follows him.

Maybe that's what people call love at first sight.

When she arrived here, her father had told her that he hoped she would choose one of the two young masters of the Wilson family as her boyfriend, also her future husband.

So now...

She already has an answer in her mind.

She will choose the man who really attracts her, whom she really likes.