Chapter 456: Persuade Her To Give Up

The next day...

Annie gets up, holding her heavy head.

Facing the familiar room and the familiar scenes, she is totally out of her mind about how she got back from the birthday party.

Strangely, she didn't drink much yesterday. How could she suddenly get drunk like that?

Is it possible that she hasn't been used to the domestic wine since she just returned home?

She really hopes that she didn't do anything awful after she got drunk yesterday.

When Annie walks downstairs, Edward beckons her over, "Annie, come here, see who's here!"

Annie takes a close look and sees her father sitting next to Edward, smiling at her.

"Dad!" Annie runs over in surprise and takes Frank's arm.

"Dad, aren't you coming back tomorrow? How come you're here today?"

Frank answers happily, "The business has finished ahead of time, so I come back earlier."