Chapter 480: She Is Not Feeling Well

Duke, who has always been gentle and elegant, now gets a sharper voice, "I asked you to keep a close watch on her! What were you doing?"

He even doesn't know when the woman left!

His dereliction of duty totally ruined the great plan!

Sensing the anger in Duke's tone, the short man dares not refute and obediently bows his head for being scolded.

Last night, he kept standing outside the room until one o'clock.

He thought nothing would happen, so he found somewhere else for a break.

He called Annie as early as possible this morning.

But who knows he was still a little late.

After he hangs up, Duke is somewhat agitated and keeps walking around the room.

Edward has once again discussed with Frank about the marriage of Aaron and Annie.

And his plans have failed again and again.

Anyway, he can't make their engagement a success.

At this moment, in the hotel room.

When Annie falls in his arms, Aaron's face suddenly becomes awkward.