Chapter 486: You Remember Her?

Fortunately, Aaron just suffers a little skin injury on the back of his head. It's not serious.

Seeing Aaron's gloomy face...

Although William is curious about how Aaron gets hurt, he doesn't dare to ask more questions.

After a long silence and embarrassment, William asks carefully, "Can we start now?"

Aaron, who's thinking about how to deal with Duke and Jane, hears William's words.

Suddenly he remembers that he comes here to ask for hypnotism to recall his memory.

Aaron finally suspends his plan of retaliation against Duke and Jane. He focuses on his lost memory. He wanted to remember everything in his past, including that woman.

A few minutes later, Aaron sits in a professional chair, and William sways something like the cross in front of Aaron.

"Now, look at this object in my hand. Follow me. Slowly integrate into my world..."

Under William's professional hypnotism, Aaron closes his eyes and falls asleep.