Chapter 502: No Time To Deal With Other Things

As he sees Katrina leave Hadley city, Aaron feels so much depression. He regretted mistreating her while she's pestering him. He blames no one but himself alone for making Katrina's life miserable. And thinking about their baby added another pain to him. How will he redeem himself this time?

Then he turns his head with a gloomy expression and goes back to his private villa.

His whole life is destined to be entangled with her.

So he would never let her go so easily.

He would never give her up so easily.

She is meant to be his woman.

As soon as Aaron returns to his private villa, Randy hurries over, and whispers, "Mr. Wilson, Mr. Edward, and Miss Annie are here."

Hearing his words, Aaron's handsome eyebrows slightly frown, and he inevitably feels a bit impatient.

There's nothing good about his father coming to him at this time, and it is even worse to have Annie with him.

At this time, he is in a bad mood. He really has no time to deal with other things.