Chapter 524: He Is Penniless

When he hears Katrina's voice, Eric looks up and waves to her, "Katrina, come here and sit next to grandpa."

When confronted with Katrina, Eric's angry tone is restrained.

Katrina obediently walks over and sits down next to Eric.

She looks at Eric with a puzzled face, wondering what he wants to say to her.

Seeing this scene in front of her, she guesses that it could be that something has happened to Simon's family, and they should distribute their property?

If not, why put something so important in the living room?

As Katrina begins to think things through, Eric grabs Katrina's hand, looks at her earnestly, and asks, "Katrina, tell grandpa, have you really decided to forgive Aaron and get back together with him?"


When Katrina hears the name, she suddenly realizes why her grandfather looks so angry.

It is because of Aaron.

So, Aaron brought all this stuff, too?