Chapter 529: You Passed The Test

When he hears Aaron's answer, Bob nods, "Okay! Come with me! Let's get ready!"

When she sees Aaron leaving with Bob...

Katrina is somewhat not feeling good.

On the one hand, she's worried about her baby's safety.

But on the other hand...

She's also anxious if Aaron risks 10 to 20 years of life because of the operation and has to endure the pain of the scalpel through the skin, cutting the internal organs.

As the mother of the baby, at this time, she finds herself so impotent and helpless.

Apart from praying for the baby and Aaron's safety, she doesn't know what else she can do.

A few minutes later, after being sterilized, Aaron lies on the cold operating table.

The lamp turns on and shines on his chest. Bob has a scalpel in his hand, which blinks a cold light.

Bob holds up his glasses and asks, "Aaron, the procedure will be more painful than you think. It's not late for you to stop!"