Chapter 534: The Wedding Day

"Almost time. It's time to go."

Seeing the bride and groom staring at each other, Joseph whispers a reminder so that Aaron recovers from his amazement.

He strides forward and bends over, holding Katrina and carrying her to the wedding car.

On the way from Simon's villa to the hotel, Aaron holds Katrina's hand tightly, reluctant to let go for a moment.

Five-star Hotel.

The wedding ceremony begins. With the melodious music, Eric takes Katrina and walks slowly towards Aaron.

Aaron is standing there silently, looking at Katrina, eyes full of tenderness.

She is very close to him, but the distance seems very long.

Every step she takes, their shared experience is like a movie in his mind, reminding him of what has happened.

From encounter to an acquaintance, to love...

He will never forget that night.

It was the desire under the effect of the medicine that bound him to be entangled with her.

From Abbe City to Hadley City. From Hadley City to Abbe City.