Chapter 536: Her Surprise For Him

Time flies, Katrina, and Aaron, have been married for six months.

Owen has also reached the age of learning to talk and walk.

Katrina knows that Aaron has always wanted a daughter.

Perhaps, every strong man finally has the dream of owning his little princess.

Katrina also thinks that only Owen is too lonely.

If she can have a daughter, if they have two children, it will be wonderful.

But she didn't know when it started, and she found Aaron's behavior became more and more strange.

For example, when he accompanied her to the supermarket, he would calmly throw several boxes of condoms into the shopping cart.

For example, he would pay special attention to contraception when he's with her at night.

Even if sometimes he has been impatient and unbearable, he must do contraception before going further.

Aaron's changes make Katrina confused.

Aaron is strange. What's wrong with this?

She always feels that he seems to hide something from her.