Chapter 545: We’ve Never Blamed You

Joseph, in the distance, sees them hugging each other. He doesn't get close to them.

At this point, Aaron and Katrina are silent.

But Joseph can feel the power of their love for each other.

Among love, the greatest thing is not to enjoy sweetness and happiness together but to face the downturn of life together and never give up to each other.

Just then, the door of the operating room opens.

Aaron immediately releases Katrina, takes her hand, and walks towards the doctor.

"Doctor, how's my father?"

The operation has lasted several hours, and the doctor's face is covered with exhaustion.

He lowers his head and apologizes, "I'm sorry. We've tried our best, but the poison in Edward has spread to the heart, and we can't help it."

At the doctor's words, Aaron's eyes are filled with loss and despair.

He has waited so long, expecting a miracle to happen.

Will his only father leave him?