Chapter 547: Arrest Her

It is Duke and Jane who has led to Edward's early death.

Aaron swears that he must make them pay a terrible price!

Aaron looks at the doctor and orders, "Please give me a death report of my father's poisoning as soon as possible!"

The doctor nods, "Okay. And Mr. Wilson, if you need me to testify on the spot, I'll be on call."

At this time, in Wilson's villa.

Duke is looking at Jane sitting on the sofa, his face burning with anger. His voice is full of annoyance, "Mom! Didn't I tell you to stay away from that man? Why did you find him at such a critical moment? Aaron has always been a tough nut to crack, don't you know? Now he has something on us. He has exposed us to the public at the wedding. Now everyone knows that I'm not Edward's biological son! Are you satisfied?"

Jane is also guilty and upset now.