Chapter 550: Giving Birth To Their Daughter

In a flash, three months later, Katrina's baby in her belly is now more than nine months old. She is getting closer to the time of delivery.

Aaron, on the other hand, is more nervous than she is.

When Katrina frowns, he will walk up to her with a concerned look on his face, worrying her for any discomfort.

In order to take care of Katrina more conveniently, he simply moves all his work back home and handles it in his study every day.

The day of delivery finally arrives as expected.

Katrina is in a dazed sleep in the middle of the night, and suddenly she is awakened by the pain in the abdomen.

With the belly more than nine months pregnant, she is unable to turn over, Katrina bites her lips and hunches to ease the pain.

As soon as she moves, Aaron wakes up next to her.

With a soft snap, the bedside lamp lights up, and Aaron looks at Katrina, who is frowning in his arms, and begins to worry about her.

"Have you got an ache? I'll take you to the hospital!"