Meeting with the Ambassador 2

They arrived at the palace, changed their outfit in Elsa's room and snuck into Dawn's chambers.

"There you are Dawn," the queen said.

Dawn and Elsa were shocked.


"Greetings Your Majesty," Elsa greeted.

"I came by your chambers earlier, your attendants said you were not so sound, that you said you wanted to rest and no one should disturb you."

"Yes mother, I'm sorry they didn't notify me of your arrival."

"No, its all right, they were doing their jobs. I'm just glad you are better now, seeing you are strolling the palace grounds".

"Yes, mother. Thank you for your concern."

"Ohhh, lest I forget, we would be having dinner with our guests."

"Ohh I see, all right mother, I'll be on time for dinner."

"Very well dear. See you soon". The queen and her Lady royal and attendants all leave. Dawn and Elsa bows as she left, then they raised their heads.

"Phew," the princess sighed. "That was close El, let us go to my chambers".

"Yes, your highness " Elsa replied her.

In her chambers, Elsa draws her bath, and Dawn enters the tub to relax and she recalls her conversation with Nick.

"Your beauty transcends the heavens and the earth. You're stunning. Simply breathtaking. "

"Thank you good sir. " she smiles.

"What are your hobbies princess? "

"Well, I love archery and swordsmanship, then reading novels, singing and getting on my friend's nerves" she replied rather proud of herself.

"Wow, is pestering your friend a hobby? How does she see this? "

"Obviously she doesn't take it too well, but she can't do anything about it, that look on her face when I disturb her or hit her a lot with pillows for a pillow fight, it is simply priceless. And I'm trying to make her loosen up. "

"What a hobby. Well, you seem to like this your friend a lot if I must say".

"Yeah, she has always been with me, since ten years ago. Well, how about you? What are your hobbies? " she asked Nick feeling all interested in her newfound friend.

"Well, for starters, adventure. Looking around, moving around, then Ummm, getting into troubles, saving damsels in distress, swordsmanship, archery, hunting and huh going on adventures," he said amidst thinking, then casually flashed a small smile at her.

"Hmmm, archery you say, how good are you?"

"Not so good I guess. I bet you must be a pro in it right? " Nick asked her.

"What makes you say so? "

"Because princess, that and swordsmanship were your first on your hobbies list. "

"Yeah, I love archery, but my mother would prefer I take my dance lessons as serious as I did archery. "

"Hmmm, a controlling mother huh? I guess I know how that feels, my father is like that to me, but he lets me be free with my adventures, well honestly he gave up after a series of escape on my part. He just simply let me do as I please. After all, I am a man, not a girl. "

"And girls are to be caged and monitored? "

"Umm yes, you are the weaker vessels, technically yes, you should be monitored for your benefits as you tend to need protection and not caged, no child should be caged. "

"I agree with your theory to some extent good sir, but not all".

"And why not all? *

"Isn't it obvious. We are not weak. What can you do that I can't? "

"A lot princess".

"Nah, not quite "

"I assure you".

"Is that a challenge? "

"Nope, because it would be wickedness on my part giving the weaker vessels an eminent chance of defeat. "

"Men? "

"What? " asked Nick.

"Sounds to me like you're scared ".

"You wish".

"Challenge then".

"Challange accepted".

"What should the challenge be based on? "

"Archery, hunting and swordsmanship."

"Perfect then."

"We start the challenge the day after tomorrow, is that all right?"

"Sounds fine to me," she said shaking his hands.

Elsa snaps her back to reality.

"Hello, Princess Dawn."

"Huh, yes?"

"You were spacing out."

Dawn sighed, "its nothing El." She replied Elsa and continued enjoying her bath.