
She's mine (2)

Mr. Long resumed his uneasy pacing around his office. The entire world might not be trembling at his feet yet, but he was certainly a man of immense and far-reaching influence. And yet, one girl was giving him such a headache. Just a normal, albeit gorgeous girl was able to unsettle him to this degree.

An entire night and morning, he thought. An entire night unaccounted for. Where had she been? Could it be that she already had someone? Had she spent the night with some motherf****r? Was that why she had rejected him that day?

The thought made the jealous and possessive beast in his chest roar in fury. His fingers twitched with the urge to strangle his imagined rival. Only he was allowed to possess her, no one else.

His eyes were drawn to several screens on the wall, showing live security footage. He watched as a small figure moved around behind the bar, shifting some boxes around as she prepared her shift.

"She's mine," he growled, caressing the image of Emma on the screen with a finger.

Mr. Long remember the first time he laid eyes on her. It had been during one of his regular inspections of the club. The club was only one of many enterprises he owned, and wasn't actually his normal base of operations.

He had been standing at the railing of the VIP area, which overlooked the dancefloor, and she had walked in from the side, carrying a cardboard box of liquor bottles to restock the bar. As she put the heavy box down on the bar and straightened, wiping her sweat covered brow, she had looked up towards him. Their eyes had met for the briefest moment, and Mr. Long felt like he had been punched in the gut.

Something strange and foreign to him awoke inside him at that moment. From then on he simply knew that he had to possess her, that she belonged to him and no one else. He didn't know how he knew, it was like he had always known, but didn't realise until that moment when their eyes met.

The violence of this reaction surprised him, because he couldn't remember feeling possessive about a woman before. Lust and desire for sure, but possessiveness? Never. But this little creature had done it, and just by appearing before him.

From that day, he had been obsessed. He started spending more time at the club, watch her. Objectively he knew that others might think him a bit crazy because of this obsession, but he didn't care what others thought.

Until he had called her into his office, he hadn't even spoken to her, as he had a manager that managed normal operations of the club for him.

That time when she entered his office looking so nervous and adorable, he had to fight the strong urge to drag her away right then and there.

He had been amused when that cute little temper of hers had flared up when he told her to become his woman. He had phrased it as a suggestion, but as far as he was concerned she didn't have much choice in the matter.

She still didn't have a choice in the matter. But he was just giving her some time to give into him. Her defiance was cute and it was more fun to lull her into a false sense of security by letting her think he had lost interest.

But, he thought, his eyes darkening, if he found out she was seeing some jerk behind his back, he would happily skin the man alive in front of her eyes.

He focused his attention on the surveillance feed again, and his eyes followed every movement of the small figure behind the bar.

"She's mine," he whispered again. His, and only his, in this lifetime and the next and the next. He knew in his heart that this girl must always belong to him, and him alone.