As Emma stepped out of the apartment building, it was already long past midnight, and the streets were dark and deserted. Doing her best to disguise herself by pulling the hood of her jacket over her head and the cap low over her face, she walked down the street at a brisk pace. Soon she was several blocks away.
She knew that she had to shake off anyone following her. Therefore, as she turned a yet another corner, she sprinted ahead, ducking into a narrow alley, which was difficult to spot if you didn't know it was there. She drew back into the shadows, and looked back towards the corner she had just come around. Her heart was thumping like crazy in her chest, and she felt jittery and on edge.
After a few tense moments, a figure appeared around the corner, half-illuminated by the dim streetlights. He walked with light and measured steps, like he didn't want to make any noise, or draw attention to himself. Emma pressed a hand over her mouth to muffle her laboured breathing.
As the man passed by, Emma caught a glimpse of his face. She recognised him as one of the two men from the village market. Even though she had suspected it, she felt anger flaring inside her again at this confirmation of her suspicions.
She let the man pass, and waited for another few tense moments until she was sure he had gone around another corner further up the street. Droplets of rain started falling, making gentle pitter-patter sounds that masked Emma's foot steps as she slipped out of the alley and headed down the street, back the way she had come and away from the man.
But she didn't get more than a few steps, before another figure appeared from around the corner from the direction of her apartment.
They both stopped in their tracks, each surprised at the appearance of the other. The rain started falling faster, thrumming loud on the rooftops.
Her heart beating like crazy Emma turned around and started walking away from the man at a brisk pace. But to her horror, as soon as she turned around, she spotted the first man coming back down the street towards her. He must have realised that she had hid in a side alley, and come back. Both ends of the street was blocked of by the two men, she was trapped on the street between them.
They started walking purposefully towards her. There was no way that they were just strangers out for a stroll. Emma did the only thing she could think of: She made a run for it.
Taking the men by surprise, she sprinted back towards the narrow alley, pushing herself to run as hard as she could. The hard slaps of her feet hitting the wet pavement mixed with the rhythmic drumming of the rain. A shout and loud thumping of feet behind her made her aware that the two men were hot on her heels.
Adrenaline rushed through her body, pushing her to run even faster. The only thought on her mind was to get as far away from her two pursuers as possible. The alley was narrow and dark, twisting and turning. The rain was falling hard now, and the ground was turning slippery and wet.
She turned a corner and ran right into a high wall, completely blocking her way.
"Shit!" she exclaimed.
The pounding of feet announced the arrival of her two pursuers. She rushed at the wall, running up it a few steps and managing to grab a hold of the top ledge. She scrambled her feet against the wall, trying to pull herself up while pushing against the wall with her legs. But the rain had made it wet and slick, and even her sturdy boots couldn't get a good grip.
She tried pulling herself up by just using her arms, but she didn't have the strength. Her fingers lost their grip and the ledge, and she tumbled down to land hard on the rough ground.
"Ah!" she cried out in pain.
Her chest was heaving from the exertion, her lungs burning, and her heart beating furiously, pumping blood and adrenaline around her body. Aware that her pursuers had caught up with her by now, she got awkwardly to her feet, turning to face them.