
Behave yourself

After ending the call with her mother, Emma felt vexed and restless. Deciding that she had been cooped up in her cramped one-room apartment for too long, she went out for a bit. Mindful that she didn't have any money to spend, she just wandered around for a bit, getting some fresh air and clearing her head.

As she started walking home, she her stomach gave a loud, hollow growl. Then she realised, that she barely had any food at home. She stopped by a store and got some groceries.

Even though she had made an effort to get the cheapest items, she was painfully aware of how her funds were rapidly dwindling. Hopefully, her mother would be true to her words and transfer her some money. Even though her mother had said that the money would be wired to her, Emma knew that her mother might just as well forget about it. Fortunate, if all else failed, Emma had one last trick up her sleeve. But she would rather not use it unless she really had to.

When she arrived back at her apartment building, night was already falling. She spotted a polished and expensive looking sports car parked at the end of there street. Taking a closer look, she realised it was an Audi R8. It was unusual to see such an expensive car in this neighbourhood. For some reason it made her feel an anxious and unsettled feeling.

Trying to shake off the unpleasant feeling, she headed up to her apartment, unlocked the door, and stepped inside. She kicked off her shoes and reached over to flick the light switch. The tiny dark apartment was flooded with light.

Emma froze. Her body immediately flooded with adrenaline and her heart started beating frantically. The grocery bag slipped out of her hand, clattering to the floor.

Sitting casually at her small kitchen table, was none other than Mr. Long. He stood up slowly, flashing her that wicked grin of his.

"You're home," he said casually, like it was perfectly normal for him to be in her apartment. Which he most certainly didn't have a key for. And also Emma was sure that this was not the address she had given on her employee registration form at the club.

Emma remained rooted to the spot, taken completely by surprise by the whole situation. They both remained unmoving for a moment, staring at eachother. Then Emma's brain seemed to switch back on and she realised how dangerous it was to be alone here with this man. She turned around and rushed for the door.

She reached the door, wrenching it open, stumbling out into the corridor, and promptly ran smack into two large burly men standing right outside the door. Emma was completely taken aback, but couldn't stop her momentum causing her to collide with them hard. She bounced off their bulks like a rag doll and toppled backwards. Before she hit the floor a pair of strong arms wrapped around her torso, pinning her arms to her side.

"No!" she snarled, struggling fiercely to get out of Mr. Long's crushing embrace. She drew in a deep breath. "He-" A hand came up to cover her mouth muffling her call for help.

The two burly men in the corridor looked on impassively as Mr. Long lifted Emma up in the air, her legs flailing, and carried her back into the apartment. All the while she struggled, trying to kick him. Mr. Long chuckled, like it was all some fun game, and not a desperate fight. She snarled and fought even harder.

The door closed behind them, muffling the noise of the struggle. Mr. Long reached the small couch crammed into a corner of the apartment, and flung Emma down onto it. He positioned himself between her and the door, effectively blocking any means of escape.

Mr. long swept back his hair and grinned at Emma, obviously having rather enjoyed their little tussle. "I like this side of you," he chuckled. "Unrestrained, and so feisty." His gaze was heated and intense, making her shiver in disgust.

Emma stood up, curling her hands into fists. Despite him being more than a head taller than her she felt like fighting him. She was livid, and shaking with anger. Her body felt burning hot, like she might burst into flames at any second.

"Behave yourself sweetheart," he warned, holding up a hand and flashing her another wicked smile.