She has gained a comrade

After eating their lunch, Sarah then immediately grabbed Hanna away from Jeremiah and Gabriel. When the two of them saw this, Gabriel just continued walking to their room while Jeremiah curiously scratches his head. He knows that Sarah is a weird girl, however he can't help but notice that she's more weird today.

Meanwhile, Sarah guided Hanna at the back of the gym where there's a place where students can hang out and relax. However, it has been abandoned because it was rumored to be haunted.

Sarah, who is a brave girl decided that this is the perfect place to talk with Hanna, who is her complete opposite. Thankfully, it was still morning so the sunlight gave it a less creepy vibe.

"Hanna, the truth is I need your help." Sarah straight-forwardly said. Not even trying to twist her words.

"W-what is it?" Hanna confusedly answered, this day has just been a little too much for her. She has been with Jeremiah today longer than the whole year that they've been classmates and her heart couldn't stop beating fast.

"I know that you have a crush on Jeremiah and I can help you get through that idiot's thick skull." Sarah straight-forwardly said once again. Her statement made Hanna shock.

"I-is it that obvious?" She inquired. She was confident that nobody has noticed her feeling for her rowdy classmate, but it seems like that is not the case.

"Not that much, I just noticed it also by coincidence when... you know, I was staring at Gabriel." She shyly answered. It is well known by everyone that Sarah is actively pursuing Gabriel, still, saying her feelings openly like this can't help but make her a bit shy.

"Anyways, that's why I decided to make you my comrade Hanna! I would help you with Jeremiah and in exchange, I hope you can teach me how to cook the meal that you gave out at lunch today" Sarah pause a bit and smiles as she recalls Gabriel eating Hanna's food and imagining if she was the one who cooked it.

"You see, Gabriel never eats any food that isn't prepared by their family's personal chef and to see him eat the food that you cook must mean that your meals are in to his taste buds. I also want him to eat a food that I personally cooked, so please... If it wouldn't be that much of a bother to you." Sarah asked with her eyes sparkling that Hanna couldn't help but to say yes.

"A-alright! We can practice cooking at my house this Saturday!" Hanna said with a warm smile, deep inside she is also excited. This is the first time that she'll be bringing a friend to their house. She has always been on the shy side so interacting with her other peers has never been her best traits. But now, like a miracle, she has gained a comrade.