University Girl

The hours passed as the highway stretched on for miles, but it wasn't long before the girls cried. "Bathroom please!"

Shannon laughed at them, never understanding women's need to relieve themselves every twenty minutes. In their defense however, they'd gone a fairly good amount of time before whining about a restroom break.

Mr. Thompson checked his watch and sighed. "Fine, but make it quick, we are on a schedule, ladies."

The tired bus pulled into one of the many rest stops and the desperate girls plowed off the bus and into the bathroom.

Shannon used the time to stretch her legs and leaned against the bus, watching a mother rabbit nuzzle with her baby.

The wind was cold as it wrapped around her and she cursed herself for leaving her coat in the bus until a voice that had the ability to warm and freeze her at the same time inquired. "You don't need the bathroom as well?"

She smiled and shrugged. "Nope, my mom never liked stopping on trips, so we learned how to hold it."

He gave her a truly amused smile which sent shivers down her spine at its radiant charm. He looked to the bathroom where Iris and Alexia argued about taking too long in what Shannon assumed to be a one-person stall.

Mr. Thompson snickered at them and looked back to Shannon, who was listening with quiet amusement. She was completely different than most girls her age, a higher maturity in mind and an inescapable elegant in her movements.

"How long do you need?! Your bladder is the size of a Capris Sun for crying out loud! Hurry it up!" Alexia screamed as the stall door opened a little too quickly, slamming her in the shoulder.

Iris stepped out victorious before dramatically gasping. "Oh, my deepest apologies, did that hurt?"

Alexia's eyes seared as she pushed her way into the bathroom. "Watch yourself, midget."

Iris twirled around, her peasant skirts flaring out a bit. "But everyone else is already watching me! My beauty is that rare! Oh, woe is me, for being this adorably perfect. It truly is a burden."

The tiny girl did a cartwheel which sent Shannon running to her side. "Iris! Your skirt!"

Mr. Thompson watched the motherly affection she had for her friend and felt warmed by it before shaking his head and returning to his seat.

Once they were all satisfied, they continued their trip. Three of the girls falling asleep with Shannon petting Iris's spiky hair, softly singing as she watched the scenery pass.

After a moment, Shannon glanced back to see Maya with her hoodie over her head evenly and then Alexia who sprawled out over two seats, her face blocked by the back of the one in front of her.

By the sound of her quiet snoring, Shannon felt it was safe to pay attention to Mr. Thompson once more, who'd abandoned his paper and rested his head against the foggy window.

Shannon felt her heart ache at the gentle way his chest rose and fell with a steady rhythm one expects from sleep. Her thoughts returned to the first time she had seen him like this and how different their relationship had become over the last few months.

How much more she felt for the extraordinary man before her and how greatly that frightened her at times.

She knew she shouldn't be staring like this, but it was too cute for her to pass up. She settled in, draping her arms over the seat and resting her chin on their bridge. What kind of things did he dream about?

Her question would go unanswered, when his opened halfway and stared back at her. They maintained each other's gaze, before he sleepily asked. "Why did you stop?"

Shannon's breath caught, trying to process the question. It was then that she realized she had stopped singing to herself and an indulgent smile spread on her face. Trying to hold back the squeal which threatened to overtake her, Shannon settled for humming softly instead.

He scanned her face, his eyelids far too heavy to stay open and slipped back into slumber at her lulling tone.

This made her heart warm the entire rest of the trip.

She could have stayed in that happy space forever, until the driver announced. "All right, we're here."

There was the sound of yawning and stretching, as the bus released a tired wheeze outside the busy college, which teemed with hurried students.

Shannon's eyes were wide, as she took in the hustle going on around them and suddenly felt very small compared to the huge ivy-covered buildings that circled the campus.

Mr. Thompson walked off the bus and motioned for them to follow. "Ok, let's go register and then take your things to the dorms."

"Where are you staying Mr. T?" Iris asked and he pointed to an old red-bricked building,

"Right below you. The choir students are on the top floor and the teachers on the bottom, so we can make sure you aren't sneaking out in the middle of the night." He winked at her, as she sighed dramatically, before grabbing Shannon's hand and sprinting forward, giggling. "Isn't he uber hot in normal clothes?"

Shannon blushed and nodded.

Alexia slinked up moaning. "I bet he would be uber hot with no clothes. What do you think Shannon?"

She rolled her eyes and gave her attention to the elderly lady manning the registration table.

They were checked in, assigned room numbers and quickly hurried to retrieve their bags from the bus. Shannon decided to ignore the comment from Alexia, though the idea of what he would look like with a bit more scantily clad wardrobe, did entice her normally pure thoughts.

The college dorm was just as she had pictured it to be, so full of enlightened minds waiting to grasp what the world had to offer them. To think that she would join them in only a year, made her heart feel like it would burst from excitement, as she slid the card through the door, treasuring the way it buzzed at her entry.

Their rooms were on the fourth floor and Mr. Thompson turned to go to his own, when Alexia suddenly cried. "My bag is soooo heavy! I packed too much."

Iris and Shannon looked to each other and rolled their eyes, as Maya offered to help only receive a death glare. Alexia wailed. "I simply cannot go another floor carrying it."

Mr. Thompson placed his bag in his room and assisted her, lifting the duffle bag onto his shoulder as he led the way.

Alexia followed closely, until Iris grabbed her. "Does he look like a slave to you?"

Her golden eyes fixed on the much smaller girl. "No, but do you see the way his muscles flex in his arm and back when he carries it?"

Iris's velvet gaze turned to the oblivious man, as she quickly released Alexia and sighed. "Well damn, you've got me there."

Shannon scoffed and continued to climb the stairs, until they had made it to the rooms, Alexia and Maya in one and Iris and Shannon in the other.

Mr. Thompson dropped her bag. "Think you can manage to get through the door on your own?"

Alexia pushed out her perfect breasts and giggled. "I think so, thank you so much. You lifted it like it was nothing!"

He smiled and walked past them. "Ok, there will be a dinner at five and the real work starts tomorrow at eight. Good night girls."

Shannon looked out after him. "You aren't coming to dinner?"

He turned and waved. "I'll be there, but I have to sit with the other teachers. Though I would much rather be with you four. You are MUCH more interesting than the boring crones around me."

Iris laughed and waved back. "We'll be making funny faces at you from across the room!"

He winked at her. "I'll be watching."

When he left Shannon grabbed her bag and unpacked her clothes into the waiting drawers and Iris closed the door. "Oh my gosh! He is too much! I mean he is gorgeous in his teacher clothes, but he seems, I don't know, more real on this trip. Like he is one of us."

Shannon carefully folded her shirt and placed it in the drawer trying not to seem too excited. "He can't be one of us, he is older."

Iris rolled her eyes and plopped on the bed, barely bouncing from her small frame. "Not that much older. Come on he is only like twenty-five. What is that? Seven years? My parents were twelve years apart for crying out loud. You cannot look me in the eyes and deny the hotness of that man."

Shannon glanced up quickly and replied. "He is cute, I won't deny that, but he is our teacher, nothing more."

Iris sighed frustrated. "Shannon you are so dull sometimes! Oh, how about Alexia's little, 'I'm so weak, help me you big strong man, you', act? Didn't that just make you want to vomit?"

That was a point Shannon could fully agree with as she nodded. "Totally, what a drama queen."

They talked a little more and decided to go explore before dinner. The campus was teeming with life and it seemed as if there were students everywhere she turned.

Just how many people could fit in one place? It didn't take long before a few of the boys began to notice them and Shannon stiffened as one said. "So, would you ladies like to have a little fun?"

Shannon turned and took in the two college boys who looked like they had come straight out of an Abercrombie & Fitch magazine. Their spiked blonde hair, tanned beach like bodies and warm, instantly de-arming California green eyes made Shannon feel slightly nervous at their confidence.

Iris smiled a friendly grin. "Hi, how are you doing?"

One of the matching boys scanned her up and down. "You girls from around here? I don't remember seeing you before."

Shannon cleared her throat. "Well there are a lot of students here, maybe we just slipped your attention?"

The secondary boy smiled at her and replied. "Oh no, we'd remember seeing you. You stand out a bit."

Iris giggled at the compliment and even Shannon felt a slight blush coming to her cheeks, as the afternoon sun spilled through the trees casting broken shadows on their model like faces.

"Actually, we are here for the Music in May concert. We aren't in college." Maya interjected from behind them.

Shannon felt herself jump not having any recollection of the petite girl following them. There was a look that passed between the boys that Shannon didn't miss as one of them said, "High school girls? I'm surprised. You have the style and elegance of seniors in college. My name is Joel and this is Curtis. Whom do we have the pleasure of speaking this beautiful afternoon?"

Iris automatically extended her tiny hand. "The name is Iris Edwards. This is Shannon and the girl hiding behind her is Maya. Nice to meet you."

The one called Curtis held accepted her hand and kissed it. "Enchantée."

She smiled, as Maya clung to Shannon with a death grip, until the slightly taller Joel turned her way. "Hey, come on out. You're much too lovely to be hidden. Why don't you ladies join us for a party in Stevenson Hall? It'll be your first taste of college life."

Before they could get an answer out, a sultry voice which clearly had far too much practice interjected. "We would be delighted. Although you might have to watch that one, she can really be a party animal when it comes to communion wine."

Shannon focused on the boy's faces while they took in the swaying walk of Alexia, as she sauntered her supple hips up the group.

"And this is our prostitute that sometimes follows us. She's constantly a party animal, if you enjoy STDs." Iris responded to the previous insult of her best friend.

Joel and Curtis found the little verbal barbs humorous, as they slipped an arm around Alexia. "So, are you coming with us or not?"

Iris and Maya looked to Shannon, as Alexia rolled her eyes. "You know I'm in, but you might have to convince goody-two-shoes over there."

They looked back to Shannon who she crossed her arms. "Sorry, but we have a dinner to attend."

Alexia glared her venom-filled gaze at the stubborn girl. "There are over a hundred people here, no one will notice if we slip away."

"Mr. Thompson will notice." Shannon replied firmly, while Iris nodded and Maya held her head down.

Alexia smirked and placed her manicured hand into Joel's pocket. "Well you all can just stay while we have some real fun."

When they turned to leave, Shannon felt a slight panic move through her at the wolf-like grins on the boy's faces. "What am I supposed to tell Mr. Thompson?"

Alexia flipped her onyx hair back, spitting over her shoulder. "That you are a very good little girl."

An angry blush formed on her cheeks, as she watched the trio disappear around the corner.

Iris flipped them off before stating. "Oh well, I'm hungry now anyway. Screw them."

Maya released her grip of Shannon's black shirt and murmured. "Do you think she'll be all right?"

Shannon wrestled with her conscience, feeling torn in a way she didn't want to be. She knew that Alexia had been around a few times, but the look in those boy's eyes when they walked off gnawed at her insides.

Iris slipped an arm around her waist. "Come on, let's get going. Alexia will be fine. This is her playground after all."

Maya quickly agreed to leave as Shannon took a deep breath and followed saying a silent prayer that her enemy would be all right.

Even if Alexia made her life miserable, she didn't like to see bad things happen to anyone, especially not when that person had a history of causing her grief for bad things happening.

There was a scent of bland mash potatoes and some form of meat wafting out from the dining hall, as the girls made their way into the pretty brick building.

Shannon scanned the crowd of students and already she could tell the difference between high school and college. For some reason that one summer which transformed them from children, into the knowledge-hungry young adults, must have indeed been a magical process.

They each took a paper plate and loaded up with the steaming goodness, which they could actually identify, instead of the mystery that was cafeteria food at their own school. Having funding must be a glorious thing and it was amazing to see the caliber of building which surrounded them.

The trio of girls settled together at a table, which was marked off for those who were taking part of the musical performance.

When an extremely elderly man approached the podium, Shannon instantly went to the Harry Potter movies, almost expecting to hear him warn them of the Forbidden Forest and the willow which longed to smash them if they came too close.

Instead he cleared his throat and announced. "Welcome performers to Music in May! Each year we see more and more talent and I am looking forward to listening to what will come from this group as well. Now some ground rules for the campus."

As he prattled on, Shannon searched the tables of faculty and volunteers, until she rested on Mr. Thompson, who just happened to be looking the same way she was.

As his crystal eyes focused on her gaze, Shannon felt a spark ignite when they locked across the crowded room. Suddenly, it was as if there were no one in the world but them and she smiled softly, as he winked at her.

She didn't have to look hard to see that he was scanning for the other girls in their group and coming up one short.

He looked back to Shannon and mouthed. "Where is Alexia?"

Before Shannon could get out an excuse, Iris made the motion of her right index finger sliding into her curled left hand several times. Shannon was mortified and looked back to Mr. Thompson, who rolled his eyes and rested his head into his hand.

It was obvious to both girls, that Alexia would be receiving a serious scolding later, as they tried to listen to the old man's instructions.

Once he'd finished and went back to eating, Mr. Thompson wiped off his mouth and walked to their table smiling a hard smile. "Ladies, we seem to be missing one than what we came with."

Shannon placed her fingers to her temples and rubbed in a circular motion in an attempt to relieve the headache forming there. "We tried to stop her."

"Do you know where she went?" He asked, as Iris spoke up. "Some party two college guys invited her to. I think it was Stevenson Hall."

Shannon felt a hand move to her shoulder, as Mr. Thompson patted her gently. "I need you to watch over the other girls. I have to go get her back. Can I trust you to do this?"

Shannon looked up to his electric eyes and saw the worry behind them, the same feeling that was twisting her insides was in him as well.

"Yes sir." She replied as he patted her again. "Thank you. Good night ladies. Alexia will be spoken to and in her room, before you know it."

With that he slipped out the side door like a prince gone to retrieve his conquest.

Shannon almost felt a stab of unfounded jealousy, but then remembered a small taste of how cold those electrifying eyes could be.

Suddenly, she felt no envy for the girl's plight.

They cleaned off their plates and made their way back to their dorm.

When they were securely in their room, Iris bounced on her bed saying. "Do you think he'll tell her foster parents?"

Shannon shrugged and rested on her back with her hand over her eyes. "I think it depends on the state he finds her in."

Iris took out her sketch book and began drawing away. "If he finds her. That's a huge hall. We passed it when we pulled in today. Do you think he will go to every dorm room until he finds her?"

Shannon sighed and let out an answer that sounded more dreamy than she intended. "I think he will go through anything to get what he wants."

Iris's pen stopped scratching as she asked. "You sound weird, are you tired or something?"

Shannon rolled over to her side. "Or something. I'm going to close my eyes. Will you turn off the light when you're finished?"

She nodded and went back to scribbling, as Shannon inhaled deeply praying once more that Alexia would be all right and that Mr. Thompson would find her before anything happened.

Two hours passed before Shannon woke to the sound of a door slamming and a knock on her door. Iris didn't stir from her catatonic state, as Shannon stumbled to the door, opening it to reveal Mr. Thompson standing with a trickle of blood coming from his nose.