The Bridge is Crossed

Her heart ached at the tenderness in his voice. "Of course, I did. What if something worse happened? What would I... what would your wife do?"

His eyes closed. "She wouldn't care one way or another. Honestly, there are times when I wonder if she even really loves me anymore. It just seems like it doesn't matter what I do, I can't be strong enough for her. I'm a musician, not a he-man. She thinks that I'm weak, that I'm not man enough for her. Honestly, I was so happy to escape on this trip, because it meant getting away from the way she looks at me. The things she says..."

Shannon placed a finger to his lips and shushed him, feeling her heart ache in a way she never expected. Before her stood a man, broken by the constant disapproval of an unsatisfied mate and a dream that wouldn't be achieved if he stayed on his current path. He didn't deserve it.

She found herself stepping closer. "I think that you're that much more of a man because you know the beauty of music and the happiness it brings to those around you."

"Shannon, come on. I'm not that great."

She took his hand and held it to her eye level, examining it. "Can't you see the strength you carry in these hands? You have the ability to move a person's heart, mold and change it into something completely different. How many people can sit at a piano and help someone find the music inside them? Or bring voices into total harmony when everything else says they wouldn't work? You're more than great, you're extraordinary. I respect you so much."

His eyes shot open and searched her face, watching as a passing car's head lights briefly illuminated her face.

Her gaze held so much love and warmth, that it practically radiated from her soul and into his. The wind caught her hair and wafted her forest-kissed scent towards him.

With a deep inhale of that glorious smell, something in him snapped and he suddenly closed the distance between them, clutching her arms. "Say it again. Please....please say it again."

Shannon searched his face, caught by the desperate look in his intense eyes. "I respect you. I admire everything you are. You're strong, so much stronger than you believe. I admire the man you are."

One of his hands left her arm and caressed the nape of her neck. His eyes took on an expression she'd never seen before. Within his gaze, was a battle of emotions, as if he was fighting between self-control, sadness, pain and an overwhelming need.

She never was able to settle on which it was, for as quickly as she took her next breath, his lips came down to embrace her own and the world fell silent.

There was a stillness she couldn't comprehend and she seriously wondered if this were real or simply one of her many fantasies? The way his skillful hands slid down her back to capture her waist and pull her body closer to him, the smell of his cologne when it trickled in and out of her nose, the firm, yet gentle caress of his lips as they seized her; all seemed far too wonderful to be real.

Mr. Thompson felt something within him break, as he finally took the girl he'd longed for into arms and kissed her deeply, pouring everything into her.

All the pain, the frustration, the overwhelming need to be loved and admired, seemed to disappear in her arms. He pulled her closer to himself, treasuring the softness of her skin.

He moaned in sweet satisfaction.

She was warmth and light, where everything else was frozen to him.

Shannon snaked her fingers up his strong shoulders and into his dark hair. pulling him closer to her, as if it were physically possible to be any closer.

She'd been kissed before, but not like this. This was a man and he kissed her like she was a woman. His kiss didn't make her feel like a scared little girl, in over her head. She was a warrior; strong, confident and he was her prey.

She intended to enjoy the hunt.

Wrapping her leg around his, she drew her hips towards him, rubbing herself along his toned thigh, until she could feel his warmth infecting her. This felt good. It felt so, incredibly good.

His tongue pressed the edges of her lips, asking her permission to enter and she granted it. The slight stubble on his face brushed against her soft skin, sending tingles up and down her body.

Shannon inhaled his scent, feeling herself throb with desire, until a voice fired off in her head. "What are you doing?!"

Her eyes opened and she shot backwards, nearly falling out of his arms. He stared at her, his gaze still alight with desire.

Neither of them said a word.

When the freezing wind blew between them, it felt like someone pressed a "play" button and the world began to move again.

Shannon raised a shaking hand to her lips, feeling the lingering sensation which still pulsated through them.

The silence hung heavy in the air, as both teacher and student stared each other down; afraid to move in case the other would shatter.

No matter the level of flirtation which may have led up to that moment, nor the conversations whispered between them in private, the fact of the matter was they were able to walk away and ignore the possibilities. They could dismiss everything as romantic delusions and move on with their lives.

A chill, which had nothing to do with the cold, circled around Shannon, raising goosebumps on her arms. She dared to move her hands to rub them, as if she could shake away the last moment and go back to the place where the fantasy only existed in her mind.

Mr. Thompson panted, slowly adjusting his glasses and clearing his throat. His mouth opened as if to say something, but no sound escaped.

A quote came to Shannon's mind, funny how it would, when it seemed as if her brain had checked out, refusing to take part in what her body was doing. She stared down the man in front of her and in a voice, which sounded calmer than she felt, she whispered. "The bridge is crossed, so stand and watch it burn. "

Mr. Thompson's eyes narrowed, as if trying to piece together what she just said. "We've crossed the point of no return. Phantom of the Opera, yes?"

Shannon nodded, tears coming to her eyes. "I love that movie."

He swallowed. "Me too."

Shannon felt a few tears slide down her face, which were quickly blown away by the freezing, midnight wind. She shook her head and turned on her heel to escape him. "I'm... I'm sorry!"