How Can I Stay Away?

Shannon ran up the escalator, taking two steps at a time, almost falling on one, when she came to a reading room at the very back of the store.

There, she curled up on one of the plush window seats and rested her head against her knees, while the rain pounded outside.

She didn't know what to do anymore, so she just sat there, curled up like a child.

Shannon felt that she had made a fool of herself running off like that, but she didn't care.

It wasn't until a familiar sound of footsteps approached her, that she attempted to hide her face in her arms and not face the man who was sitting beside her. He cleaned off his glasses and brushed a hand through his dark hair, not quite sure of what to say.

In a voice which was so impossibly gentle, Mr. Thompson sighed. "Shannon, we need to talk."

She curled herself closer, not trusting her voice just yet.

He continued. "Not just about last night, but about everything. I'd like it if I could see your face while we spoke, though."

She shook her head, answering in a small voice. "I'm so sorry."

"What was that?"

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything. It was my fault. I tempted you after you tried to stay away from me and now this huge mess has happened. I'm so selfish. I led on a married man and he kissed me. I'm horrible and I hate myself for it. So, I'm sorry, ok? I'm so sorry."

It was then that Shannon felt her body moving, as her legs were quickly slid aside and his strong arms came around her, pulling her on his lap and cradling her to himself.

Shannon's eyes were wide, as he replied in a voice that was filled with as much pain as she felt. "Shannon, it's not your fault. It's mine, I didn't protect you. I'm the adult here and I selfishly went after what I couldn't have. I value you so much, that I allowed myself to let go even for a moment and I ended up hurting you. I didn't protect you."

Shannon slid her arms around his back, holding him just as he held her, not caring if anyone saw, while he spoke. "I want to seek comfort in you, but I can't. I'm not at liberty to act upon my desires. I know that when I'm with you, I'm happy, happier than I ever thought I could be. I'm the one who's sorry Shannon. My beautiful, sweet Shannon. I'm sorry."

They stayed like that for a moment, time standing still for the pair of pained lovers.

Shannon pulled back to look at him, his crystal eyes meeting her deep green, she smiled softly. "So, let's just say that we both feel bad."

He let out a small laugh and shook his head, still holding her on his lap. She stroked a hand down his face, which still held a little stubble. "What are we going to do?"

He looked down and sighed. "I don't know. Stay away from each other I guess."

She gazed into his eyes and swallowed the lump in her throat. "How can I stay away from you, when you're with me every night?"

"Every night?"

She nodded. "In my dreams. Sometimes we're staring at the ocean, others we're playing piano together and every time it ends with you kissing me. So now that the dream has ended, what are we going to do?"

He shook his head and pulled her close to his toned chest, holding her tight. "I can't be with you. Even if everything we wanted came true. I'm still your teacher and you have another year before you graduate and go to college. Where will that leave me?"

She sighed and rested her head, listening to the hypnotic sound of his heartbeat. "I don't know about all that, but right now, right now I just want you to hold me."

His grip tightened. He placed a hand on the back of her head, like he was shielding her from the rest of the world. "What about the other girls?"

"Iris is in Hot Topic, Maya will follow her and Alexia is probably smoking out back by now. I'm the only one who likes to read."

This answer seemed to satisfy him. He rested his head on top of hers, kissing her hair softly.

Shannon inhaled his intoxicating scent and felt her lower stomach flutter at his closeness. She gently scratched her fingernails up and down his back, memorizing the trail of his muscles through his shirt.

He moved his mouth to her ear, kissing a soft trail as he did. She moaned. "Mr. Thompson."

He breathed. "Call me Chris."

She smiled and whispered. "Chris."

A whole new wave of pleasure bubbled inside, as heat filled her skin where he touched her.

Mr. Thompson kissed her neck, savoring the swan like curve and the faintest traces of vanilla body soap that still lingered there. "You smell so good."

She twisted her fingers through his hair and tugged slightly, as she massaged down his neck and shoulders. His lips came to hers, as if they were out of place before and finally found home.

"Chris..." Shannon moaned, as his experienced hands ran up and down the curves of her body, savoring the hour glass figure she acquired freshman year. She found herself leaning back, thoroughly entranced with the way his lips danced from her mouth, to her neck.

The faint traces of stubble scratched her pale skin with delicious tingles.

His fingers trailed up to her hair, while he pulled his mouth from her neck. "You are so lovely."

The words melted over her like warm chocolate. How she loved having this power over him, the ability to have him look at her in that way, as if she were some kind of goddess and he were her servant. It was an intoxicating feeling she didn't want to end.

She twisted her fingers in his dark hair, pressing her body closer to his, enjoying the heat which radiated off him in waves. Those amazing eyes closed, when he felt her firm breasts press against his toned chest, until they heard. "Oh my gosh!"