
Shannon managed to grab two more hours of sleep, before rising with Iris for another round of musical boxing with their conductor. The rail-thin woman moved into actually practicing the songs they were meant to perform at the concert, though she said several times, they didn't deserve it.

All the singers felt like weeping by the time she broke for lunch.

Alexia leaned her head against the brick wall outside, black hair spilling down her shoulders. "That woman is a tyrant."

She extracted a cigarette from her pocket and lit up, a small puff of white escaping from her lips.

Shannon rolled her eyes. "Smoking isn't helping. That's going to ruin your voice more than the conductor from hell."

Alexia's golden eyes flicked to her, before smiling. "Wow, Christian girl actually dislikes someone, I'm amazed you'd come off your pedestal long enough to notice anyone else around you."

Shannon's gaze narrowed. "Fine, destroy your body all you like. Not my problem."

Iris dropped down a paper bag by Shannon, which contained a pre-packed lunch from the café. "I wonder what Mr. Thompson will want to do tonight? You think the mall was a one-time deal?"

Shannon shrugged, not wanting to have an opportunity for her far too intuitive friend to see into her heart again. After a quick scan, she realized that no one was clinging to her arm. "Where is Maya? Isn't she eating with us?"

The other two looked around, until Alexia smiled wickedly. "Oh my, what's this?"

Following her eyes, they saw the ever-shy Maya looking down with a bashful smile, at the clarinet wielding boy with thick-rimmed glasses. He seemed to be telling her a grand joke by the way his arms flung about excitedly and Maya's face flushed when he placed a hand on her thin shoulder.

"Well would you look at that, Maya's got a crush." Alexia said.

Shannon glared. "Don't you dare say anything to her."

Alexia's perfectly trimmed eyebrow arched. "What?"

"You know Maya will get freaked out if she knows we noticed. Your venom isn't needed to sully this."

With a cold glare, the sleezy girl raised from her perch and slithered past the two girls all the way up to the mystery boy, who pushed up his glasses at her approach.

Alexia placed her hands on Maya's shoulders. "Well, well, why didn't you tell me you met such an interesting new friend, Maya? I would've made my way over sooner to say hello."

Maya curled under her vampire nails, while the boy cleared his throat. "Sorry for not introducing myself, I'm Mike, nice to meet you Ms?"

"Alexia, sexy, but you can call me anything you wish when you dream about me tonight."

Her golden eyes turned smoldering as she fixed them upon the nervous boy who noticeably gulped at the predatory look in her gaze. "Oh, I... um.."

Her lips curved into a dangerous smile. "Or maybe you want me to call you something? Daddy?"

Shannon shook her head disgusted. She stalked up the trio, her voice low and dangerous. "That's enough Alexia."

The lioness smiled. "What's the matter Mike, cat got your tongue? Because I could if you wanted me to."

Mike fixed his tie, before pushing up his glasses again and smiling to Maya. "I'll talk to you later."

With that, he turned on his heel and retreated.

Alexia released the trembling girl from her vice like grip, and her victorious smile faded.

Shannon took Maya into her arms. "What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing at all, I just know that Mikey liked what he saw. Learn something from me Maya, sometimes you have to be a little bold to get what you want. And if you don't take charge, then you will get walked over by someone better."

Shannon felt the words leave before she meant them to. "Just like those boys at the party walked all over you?"

The question lingered in the air. Alexia shot up in her face, her eyes dangerous and wild. Shannon braced herself for whatever was going to happen, but to her surprise, nothing did.

Alexia just walked away.

Shannon shook her head, turning her attention to the bird-like girl in her arms. "Are you alright?"

Maya nodded slowly, before pulling herself away from Shannon and walking back to the music room, where she was safe. A small sniffling, that didn't go unnoticed by the other girls.

Iris stepped up and sighed. "What a bitch. Poor Maya."


"I think she just wants to be alone. Want to go back to the room and catch a quick nap before break is done?"

Shannon looked puzzled. "Why would I need a nap?"

Iris shrugged, nibbling on her apple. "You didn't sleep last night, I heard you texting."

Shannon smirked at her. "That means you weren't sleeping either, silly."

The pixie giggled. "Or that I'm a super hero who requires no sleep! I think I should get a cape."

They both laughed, deciding to skip the rest of the practice day in order to get much needed sleep. With such a big group, there would be no way to notice the two of them missing.

Of course, there was one person who would miss her, as he watched her every move.

Mr. Thompson noticed two of his singers break off from the group and sneak back to the dorms. He pulled out his cell phone and typed up a new text message for his personal song bird.

When the two girls made it back to their room and settled into their welcoming beds, Shannon closed her eyes, until the buzzing caught her attention.

Iris chuckled from her bed. "Brandon again? Doesn't that boy have work to do?" Shannon smiled until her eyes laid on the number unfamiliar to her. When she flicked it open, the message sent a chill down her spine:

"I saw you."

"Who is this?"

"A friend."

"You saw me do what, exactly?"

The images of her and Chris kissing on the roof flashed through her mind. There was no way for anyone to have seen them. Maybe at the mall? But how would they get her number?

"Calm down little song bird, I won't tell anyone you skipped practice. This is Chris."

Another shiver went down her spine at the thought of having a private conversation with him, with Iris only feet away. "How did you get my number?"

She waited a second, before he replied. "I have your contact information, remember?"

A moment of stupidity went through her, of course he did. "We needed sleep. I haven't gotten much lately."

"Neither have I."

She felt a pleased blush rush all the way down to her stomach, until another text came to her phone. "I need to see you tonight. Can you meet me by the river at ten?"

Her eyes turned to the gently rising and fall chest of her best friend. Her fingers typed out. "I'll be there..."